Sunday, April 20, 2008

I found this on one of the many Preemie sites they have and thought I would share. I do not know the author but if I find out I will share.

Common Interest - Families
If this list looks familiar, you might be a parent of a preemie baby! We have to laugh about it to keep our sanity! :)

You know you're a preemie parent when...

*You measure everything in cc's

*Luxury = sleeping three hours in a row

*You can change your baby's diaper with one hand

*In the course of the same day, you have wanted to slap and bear hug the same NICU nurse

*You feel a secret pull of jealousy when one of your friends delivers full term

*You have gotten a rash on your hands from washing with hot water and the NICU soap... eight times in one day

*The statement "breastfeeding is simple and natural" makes you laugh -- or cry, depending on the day and the hour.

*Your baby has ever outgrown an outfit... while s/he was wearing it.

*You cry when you're happy, laugh when you're mad, and throw things across the room when you're sad.

*You could drive the route from your house to the hospital in your sleep... and maybe you have.

*You can't remember what you talked about before feeding schedules, diapers, and growth charts.

*You're more interested in your baby's diaper than the State of the Union

*Your idea of a vacation is walking outside to get the mail

*When someone offers you their hand to shake, you think twice, envisioning the germs that you might take home from them

*The sound of your baby crying is beautiful, not annoying.

*While everyone else coos, "He's so tiny!" your six-pound baby looks huge to you.

*Your heart almost bursts with love at least once a day

*You would climb to the top of Mt. Everest, barefoot, if it would help your baby to grow healthier, bigger, or stronger.

*You not only know what "bilirubin" is, you have had several extensive conversations about it.

*You never knew how grateful you could feel that your baby has gained an ounce.

*You know where all the vending machines are on your floor of the hospital... and which ones have the good snacks.

*You literally live your life one hour at a time.

*The security guard at the front door of the hospital just waves you in when he sees you.

*You are grateful for the smallest things now -- a shower, clean socks, a meal that you didn't have to cook, a friend who has a whole conversation with you without offering you any useless advice.

*You had to give up your shower today to make time to read this list.