The picture to the left was when we were transferred to 3w at UMC in pediatrics. I was finally able to stay with my baby. She was dressed for my baby shower that I had in the cafeteria in the hospital (they reserved me a room). A chosen few could come up to the room to see her. The picture to the right we are still in the NICU and the monkey is a beenie baby. The picture below we are also still in the NICU with a tiny bear we named Murphy. He watched over her for me. So many wires, it is amazing what BIG fighters these tiny babies are.

Here is a poem I wrote one night about my daughter. I write them in my journal to get things off my chest at the end of the day. Warning they are not Shakespeare and I am pretty stuck into rhyming but they are from the heart.
I need to write down just how I feel
A warm night in July it all became real
My precious little girl she just couldn’t wait
At 2 minutes of life they had to intubate
I knew at that moment I had to be strong
Cause the rough road ahead was gonna be long
Two full days had barely gone passed
My poor baby girl her right lung collapsed
So many machines, tubes, and wires held tight
Could my little 1 pound baby be able to fight?
You were so strong and feisty from the minute you came out
I should have known then to never have doubt
My little girl was so fragile and small
It broke mommy's heart to barely touch you at all
2 days shy of your 1 month birthday
My dream had come true I can hold you today
We did what they call Kangaroo care
I did not once, move out of that chair
One day I came in and the HiFi was gone
And much to my pleasure the CPAP was on
You were doing so well the doctors did see
In your very own isolate is where you should be
Nurse Kathy helped me give you your very first bath
Mommy also got news nasal cannula was your new path
You still needed time to eat and to grow
But then the news came we finally could go
The monitors and tubes we had to take home
Was a small price to pay to have you alone
We are finally home where we should be
So mommy can take care of her little sweet pea
Every movement, and step, and tantrums you make
Is something this mommy for granted won’t take
You are still one little strong minded thing
I welcome everything life has to bring
Nothing and no one can take this Happiness I had from the start
Because my Madison Nevaeh has the key to my Heart
My love for you is so strong my dear
My promise to you is I’ll always be here
So to my micro-preemie as perfect as can be
Your one little miracle no one could foresee
One thing I know, I’m sure that is true
I Love You Madison Nevaeh, Mommy’s gift from Heaven
Here is a poem I wrote last night because of a article I recently read. I had alot of frustration about it as did alot of other Preemie parents. I brought it to their attention on the Preemie Community. The journalist was to broad and had no facts to back it up. To sum it up she feels the state should not help to save these tiny babies and that they have nothing to contribute to society. She did refer to a crack mom in the article and the state took custody. It is very unfortunate, however I believe we should fix the problems we have in the country not take an innocent life. She has since responded to many of us in emails. Some were beyond rude she told one mom that she disgusts her, why I dont know I guess cause she chose life for her baby. To others like me she was polite. She tries to explain her logic but only makes it worse, since most of her responses are also posted for all to read. Bottom line money is not an issue nor should it be when it comes to newborns regardless of their weight. She implies that they will have horrible disabilities and this just is not true. Yes it can happen but you have no way of knowing that when they are born. As you can see my daughter is doing very well and they did not expect her to make it. She said they can't contribute to society. Well even the most disabled person can contribute even if it was to just raise awareness about their disability or touch one heart. To me that is a contribution. Every action has a reaction therefore she would have no way of knowing who would or would not be able to contribute. There is alot of good that comes out of bad. Just look at the hard start my daughter had and the horrible stay we had in the NICU. The end result to that bad situation was a healthy happy 19 month old little girl who can do anything she wants to in this world.
Micro-Preemies Are Human Too
Some might say to let you go
How could these people sink that low?
They say the cost is just too high
People like this just make me cry
I think if they just meet you dear
Their human side would shed a tear
This is when they just might see
How precious my baby is to me
My dear you did go through so much
It was worth it all to feel your touch
Yes my dear you were born small
You were just like a tiny doll
They need to watch just what they say
My Micro-Preemie could be president one day!
Love Madison Nevaeh’s Mommy
Love Madison Nevaeh’s Mommy
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