Hi just wanted to share my day. I got my deep freezer delivered today
veeeeeeeeery happy about that. I did great on my trip to Target. Total
oop was 109.00 and my savings was 83.75 woo
hoo. I stuck to my list (mostly) got a few more games then planned but still happy I got them and I did have coupons for them except the Hello Kitty sprinkler for my 3yr old, (but just had to have it :-). I got my faucet
britta kit for only 7.49 and it was $16.49, awesome deal. Got 3 dark choc
reeses for .42 for all of them the sad part not in my bag :-( will have to call tomorrow. I got 5 Degree girl
deodorant for $ 2.60 original price for all was $9.85. I got the Air Fresh
aromatic free was on sale for $6.00. Got 2
pks of pull ups for $8.95 original cost was $18.00. I got lots of great games with coupons and add matching toys r us, the new Bop it,
HiHo Cherryo, Hungry Hungry Hippo, Connect Four, Gator Golf, and Dora Memory game. The total cost should of been $67.08 but my
oop was well I will have to update cause while adding this up noticed a mistake and will have to have it corrected. All n All it was a good trip now I just need to get my
reeses and money from the overcharge. :-)